Free File Sharing Platform

Upload your zip, rar, xlx, pdf, xlsx, apk, txt, docx, doc, csv, in a single place and access them anywhere and share them everywhere.

Best Features

Unlimited storage

Unlimited storage

All User Can Get Unlimited storage And Upload PDF,ZIP,APK,EXE And All Other Files.videos,music.

Fast Upload

Fast Upload

We Not Stict Upload Speed .So all Peoples Can Upload Any Files at Any Time With Maximum Speed

Sharing option

Sharing option

After Upload You Can Get Share Link Immediate & Share Anytime Anywhere...

One time download links

One time download links

Private or sensitive files can be set to auto destruct after one download for extra security and ephemeral file hosting.

Manage Files

Manage Files

You Can Upload Without Register But After Register You Can Manage Your Files Any Time

Files encrypted

Files encrypted

From the moment you upload files through to reaching our storage servers, your files are given full encryption using the very latest grade A SHA-256 SSL technology

User Registration

Register Now